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Warrior Kings: Leading, Fighting, & Reigning in Christ

Be Strong Breakout | Chris Sharon | Saturday

There’s a lot of suffering in our world right now. Nearly all of that suffering is at the hands of men who have either abdicated their responsibilities as fathers and husbands or who use their power to abuse others. During this Be Strong conference, Chris Sharon discussed what it means to be a true warrior. He outlined what God has given us and how to defend it. The Father has given us dominion over crucial areas of life, and what we do with it matters. 

This isn’t just a physical battle, it’s a spiritual one. The world needs godly men who will fight, lead and reign well. It’s going to be hard and it begins with submission. Submit your heart to the Lord and give control over to Him. Let’s lead our homes better, lead our children better, and lead our businesses better by stepping into the darkness and taking the light where no one else will.


  • John 2:13-17
  • Genesis 1:28
  • Ephesians 6:10-18
  • Exodus 3:15
  • Revelation 19:11-16
  • Mark 1:35
  • Psalm 119:11
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October 27, 2020

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