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SMO Missions Camp

Sep 14,

Social Media (SWO21 Breakout)

Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Breakout With every advancement in technology, there is the opportunity to use it for the Gospel and the temptation to use it for selfish purposes. Social media is no …

Sep 9,

Biblical Masculinity (SWO21)

Rob Conti | SWO21 | Guys Breakout Our culture is trying to redefine what masculinity is. In this breakout, Rob looks at Scripture to see what it means to be …

Sep 7,

Present Your Body As A Living Sacrifice | SWO21

Brooke Collins (Mitchell) | SWO21 Summer Camp Breakout As women, the world tells us many things about our bodies and how they should be used. But Scripture tells us to …

Sep 2,

How To Study Your Bible (SWO21 Breakout)

Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Breakout Why is studying the Bible such a hard habit for Christians? Are there any “hacks” that make Bible studier easier? In this breakout, we’ll look …

Aug 31,

Culture & Race (SWO21 Breakout)

Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Breakout Our culture is currently combatting racism on a national scale… but how is it working out? Are the tools of CRT and Intersectionality useful …

Aug 26,

Why People Think Youth Ministry Is A Joke (SWO21 Leader Breakout)

Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Youth Pastor Breakout All too often youth ministry is seen as JV, shallow, or immature. But the truth of the matter is that those of …

Aug 24,

Talking To Students About The Existence Of God (SWO21 Leader Breakout)

Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Youth Pastor Breakout The culture we live in is overwhelmed by the tenets of postmodern theory that say that the truth of God’s existence is …

Aug 19,

Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality (SWO21 Leader Breakout)

Zach Mabry | SWO21 | Youth Pastor Breakout How in the world are we supposed to make sense of all the stuff that we are hearing in the cultural conversation? …

Aug 12,

Your Call To Personal Holiness (SWO21)

Spencer Davis | SWO21 | Wednesday Morning Holiness is an attribute of God. He is light and in Him, there is no darkness. He is holy and calls you to …

Aug 10,

God As A Being

Brody Holloway | SWO21 | Tuesday Morning God’s attributes can be categorized as either incommunicable or communicable. Incommunicable attributes are unique to God, whereas communicable attributes can be imitated by …

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